Pond Maintenance
From the first dig to the fun in the sun, the products we offer can help ensure a great looking pond that is safe for your enjoyment.
Your dream pond is dug and your family is loving it! Slowly, though, you start to notice some problems. Sludge is forming on the pond floor. Algae is growing. Intrusive water plants are taking over. This is a story we see and hear all too many times. The biggest culprit is usually the lack of knowledge, since there isn’t a lot of information about ways to treat large ponds. Through our experience we have found products to fix these problems. The products we offer help you get the full potential out of your pond! These products will help with the following concerns…
When trying to maintain a pond or first recommendation is to have a good aeration system in your pond. No aeration is usually the root of all problems. When aeration is added many problems can be fixed without having to buy other products and chemicals. Ponds have little to no currents which means the water has no way of circulating and keeping a good atmosphere. Aeration helps to stop algae growth and can reduce sludge build-up. The removal of sludge releases organisms and good bacteria that creates a good atmosphere for fish with an abundance of food. With the good effects of aeration, fish are more healthy with more food and oxygen. Toxic gasses are also released through the aeration process. Water temperatures are also leveled out throughout the whole pond.
Weed Control…
When a pond is first dug it is always a good time to make sure that your contractor has done everything in their power to keep the growth of weeds in the water under control. Contractors have the chance to dig the walls of the pond to different steepness levels other than the beach. Steeper slopes are harder for most weeds to grow on. As a company that looks out for our customers we make the slopes the correct steepness for the least weed growth. Weeds can still grow so there are some products to stop it. We offer products that can help if you need to stop weeds. One great way to control weeds is the use of pond colorants. Pond colorants block out the sun so the weeds can’t carry out photosynthesis and therefore, they die. Both of these are safe and can be purchased direct from us.
Algae Control…
Algae is something that is common, but not fun to have around. There are many solutions to fix an algae problem. In our online store you can find all the products we have to stop algae. All are safe and work great. If you are worried about the safety there are some products made 100% from barley that fights algae. Barley is all natural so there is no need for the worry of safety.
Sludge Control…
Sludge is the term we use for the mucky substance that forms on the bottom of ponds. There are a lot of solutions for this problem. Our most suggested solution is to install an aerator. Aerators add oxygen to the water to help fish if you have any in the pond, but the biggest benefit is the water movement it creates. The movement of water keeps particles from settling to the bottom so that a sludge doesn’t form. It is also recommended to keep any leaves and grass clippings out of a pond because they will slowly break down and form sludge. The final option is to use a muck digester. Muck digesters are put into the pond and will break down the sludge and rid it from your pond.
Water Clarity…
Our goal is for you to have a pond that is beautiful but also safer to drink. Ponds become cloudy when the bacterial structure is thrown out of balance. The job of clarifying products is to put the bacteria back in order naturally. This clears the water to make the appearance better. It also rids the water of the bad bacteria that allows the water to become cloudy. This is necessary to control if you expect to use your pond for drinking water. If your pond has fine beach sand that is stirred up by swimming, it is suggested not to check your water clarity until after the sand has had time to settle.
Please feel free to contact us with questions and concerns and we will try to help to the best of our ability!
Pond Supplies
Now you know what is the best course of action for your pond so check out our pond supplies to choose the product right for you.